Reliability and on-time delivery, part 1: AMAG wins Main­tenance Award Austria

A milestone for our maintenance activities

MAG rolling GmbH recently received the Maintenance Award Austria, underscoring the success of its outstanding maintenance activities. The accolade is awarded by the Österreichische Vereinigung für Instandhaltung und Anlagenwirtschaft (ÖVIA) and acknowledges companies that impress through their excellent maintenance activities. For AMAG’s customers, however, this award means one thing above all: absolute reliability.

In an industry like metal processing, where the competition is increasingly fierce, the reliability of plant and equipment is a decisive factor in ensuring on-time delivery and steadfast product quality for customers. With this in mind, maintenance is not just a behind-the-scenes, check-box exercise - it’s a central pillar of AMAG’s commercial success. Minimizing disruption and outages keeps the production chain intact, which is fundamental to ensuring on-time delivery and continuously high quality.

Excellence in practice

In their evaluation, the expert jury for the Maintenance Award Austria not only examined submitted documentation but also conducted an on-site audit to inspect strategic and operational maintenance processes. AMAG impressed the jury with a combination of technical excellent and outstanding maintenance management. The jury saved particular praise for AMAG’s strategic focus and comprehensive set of management tools, which combine with deep process expertise, the use of state-of-the-art technologies and cleanliness in workshops and the rolling mill to deliver success. A crucial factor in the evaluation was the interdepartmental between AMAG’s roughly 260 maintenance staff across four departments. Our continuous investment in employee training and development was another decisive factor in the assessment because it helps to ensure high quality standards and plant availability.

„We are proud to have received the Maintenance Award Austria. This award is an endorsement of our systematic work and emphasizes that the innovative approaches and state-of-the-art technology deployed in our maintenance activities have positioned us well. Our risk-based maintenance strategy is an essential factor in ensuring the stability of our production facilities and our long-term competitiveness,”

said CEO of AMAG,Dr. Helmut Kaufmann.

Challenges and changes in maintenance

Different working time models, a growing emphasis on plant performance and increasing digitalization present new challenges for maintenance activities. However, the topic of digitalization also opens up considerable opportunities. AMAG employs smart maintenance approaches to minimize downtime and maximize plant efficiency, and has adapted its maintenance strategy accordingly. This is also reflected in the impressive IT landscape, which plays a central role in the smart maintenance concept.

Conclusion: A prize pointing to the future

Winning the Maintenance Award Austria is more than just an accolade for the company, it is confirmation of AMAG’s future viability. Maintenance activities at AMAG rolling GmbH have demonstrated that the company is ideally positioned to meet the growing demands placed on the industry, not just today but also in the years ahead. As for AMAG’s customers, they can rest assured of reliable deliveries of the highest standards, both today and in the future.

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