Joining in automobile construction part 2

The decisive role of surface treatment for first-class spot welding results in automotive production

In the automotive industry, the importance of welded joints is increasing and directly connected to lightweight design and recyclability. The welding process and the different welding geometries enable the required mechanical and technological properties and the joints’ visual and decorative demands. Out of the wide variety of welding techniques, resistance spot welding (RSW) is the most used method due to its fast processing time, high degree of automation, and the potential for hybrid joints with adhesive. Other advantages are the weight savings if RSW is compared to rivet or bolt joints and the simplification of the material recycling process without joining elements. In the automotive industry, the 5xxx and 6xxx aluminium alloy families are widely used with different surface treatments to focus on the specifications of inner structure and outer layer applications. Therefore, those alloy families’ weldability and welding quality must perform at the highest standards.

The welding parameters used to face the primary standards on the welding spot vary greatly depending on the automotive manufacturers. Those standards are the minimum weld nugget diameter, the shear and tensile strength, the spatter propensity, and the electrode wear. Another frequent request is hybrid joints, a combination of adhesive bonding and welding. For this purpose, the adapted welding parameters must fulfill the quality standards with adhesive between the upper and lower sheets.

In comparison to the RSW of steel sheets, the high electrical and thermal conductivity, the considerable melting range, and the thick and robust oxide layer of the aluminium alloys are massive challenges  and reaching high welding quality with a low level of electrode wear. The primary sequence of the RSW process is depicted in Figure 1. In the first step, welding force F is provided by the welding electrodes onto the sheets, followed by applying the welding current. After melting both sheets at the contact surface, the current is switched off, and the force remains until the weld nugget is solidified.

Figure 1: Resistance spot welding sequence [1]

The effects of the surface conditions on the RSW have, so far, rarely been investigated. In the automotive industry, untreated, pickled, or pickled surfaces with conversion coating are used with or without forming oil or dry lubrication. The large number of influences and the limited technical literature regarding the correlations, confront not least the aluminium producer with major challenges in order to provide sheet metal for an optimal end product. Therefore, this work focuses on the correlation between the surface conditions of 5xxx and 6xxx aluminium alloys and the hybrid RSW welding quality. The main criterion is the process stability portrayed by the spatter propensity and the electrode wear. To cover almost all material impacts on the weldability and welding quality, the first test series investigated the effect of the surface roughness of 5182 sheets in the heat treatment O and 6016 sheets in the T4 - FH condition. For that, sheets with different roughnesses were welded with and without adhesive. The welds without adhesive demonstrate the impact on the RSW weldability and represent a reference for welds with adhesive. The second test series addresses the consequences of pickling, conversion coating and dry lubrication on the hybrid weldability. For both test series, two very different sets of process parameters were used to cover the vast variations of the manufacturer’s parameters.

Experimental extent and sample preparation:

The chemical compositions of both alloys are defined in the standard EN 573-3 and summarized in Table 1.During the process, sample sheets were cut from stationary parts of the coils at several different process steps, as shown in Table 2. The 5182 sheet thickness is 1.5 mm, and the 6016 sheet thickness is 1.0 mm. The pickling and conversion coating were carried out in the exact same way as the standard pickling process and the Ti/Zr conversion coating for the automotive industry aluminium sheets.From the sample sheets, welding samples were prepared with the dimensions of 500x60 mm to statistically determine the weld nugget diameter, scatter propensity, and electrode wear. In addition, samples with 105 mm length and 45 mm width were cut for quasistatic shear tensile tests. For hybrid joints, the upper and lower sheets were pressed together after applying the adhesive bead, reaching a final adhesive thickness of 0.3 mm. Thus, this adhesive thickness matches the automotive manufacturer´s specifications. Before the welding trials, no sample surfaces were cleaned to simulate the most extreme process conditions.All welds were conducted with similar sheet thickness.

Alloy Si Fe Cu Mn Mg
EN AW - Al Mg4,5 Mn0,4 (5182) max. 0,20 max. 0,35 max. 0,15 0,20 - 0,50 4,0 - 5,0
EN AW - Al Si1,2 Mg0,4 (6016) 1,0 - 1,5 max. 0,50 max. 0,20 max. 0,20 0,25 - 0,60
Table 1: chemical composition of alloys 5182 and 6016 defined in EN 573-3
Surface 5182 O 6016 T4-FH
test series 1    
Mill Finish: untreated untreated + adhesive    
EDT: untreated untreated + adhesive    
EDT: untreated + dry lubrication (DL) untreated + DL + adhesive    
Surface 5182 O 6016 T4-FH
test series 2    
EDT: pickled pickled + adhesive    
EDT: pickled + conversion coating (CC) pickled + CC + adhesive    
EDT: pickled + CC + DL pickled + CC + DL + adhesive    
EDT: pickled + reduced CC + DL + adhesive    
Table 2: Experimental extent

Welding parameters:

In automotive production, many different parameter sets are used for each alloy, sheet thickness, and hybrid joints, massively varying between the manufacturers. Based on that, the two welding parameter variations used for this work cover the whole parameter range. Variation V1 for the 5182 alloy has a short preheating pulse of 50 ms with 8 kA followed by an equally short welding pulse with a welding current between 28 and 35 kA. In contrast, variation V2 shows a very long and high preheating pulse of 450 ms with 12 kA. The welding pulse was kept the same as for V1, just as the welding force of 7 kN and the total welding time of 800 ms (Figure 2).Increasing the welding current to 40 - 45 kA for the 6016 alloy is necessary to reach the required weld nugget diameter due to the lack of alloying elements, resulting in a very high electrical conductivity compared to the 5182 alloy. The manufacturer’s specifications for the welding process are a minimum weld nugget diameter of d > 5√t (t equals the thickness of the sheets), a minimum electrode durability of 60 welding spots without aluminium pick-ups, and a spatter propensity lower than 10 %. The electrode wear has to be pictorially documented after every tenth welding spot. A section preparation of these spots must be free of cracks and demonstrate the weld nugget´s quality.

Figure 2: Welding parameter variations a) V1 and b) V2

Mechanical testing:

The spot diameter is evaluated as described in the standard DIN EN 10447 using a manual tool to split the welding joints. The spatter propensity and electrode wear are visually assessed, and the shear strength is tested by applying the standard DIN EN 14273.

Figure 3: Spot welds and electrode surface after 60 welded spots of alloy 5182 with a) pickled surface + adhesive (requirements fulfilled); b) pickled and conversion coated surface + adhesive (requirements not fulfilled)
Figure 4: Section preparation of a) weld nugget with cracks on the left edge; b) ring nugget


The test series 1 shows electrode durability of 60 spots with a diameter d > 5√t without spatter or electrode wear despite the different roughnesses, the adhesive, and the dry lubrication for both alloys 5182 and 6016 (overview in Table 3).  The results of test series 2 reveal that for the 5182 alloy a pickled and conversion-coated surface leads to high spatter propensity and electrode wear, as depicted in Figure 3b. If the conversion coating is omitted, the manufacturer´s specification can be fully satisfied (Figure 3a).Other errors occurring from 5182 weld nuggets are the formation of hot cracks at the nugget edges and the frequent formation of ring nuggets, as shown in Figure 4.The evaluation of the shear strength of both alloys shows homogenous results with an expected reduction compared to the unwelded material. The spatter propensity of 5182 with conversion coating and adhesive does not impact the shear strength performance. Due to the negative results of the 5182 alloy, another trial was added to test series 2 with a significant reduction of the Ti/Zr conversion coating to investigate the correlation between welding failure and coating amount. All the welding trials with reduced conversion coating fulfilled the customer´s specifications. The results of test series 2 are depicted in Table 4.

Surface 5182 O V1,V2 6016 T4-FH V1,V2
(✓ requirements fulfilled)    
Mill Finish: untreated untreated + adhesive    
EDT: untreated untreated + adhesive    
EDT: untreated + DL untreated + DL + adhesive    
Table 3: Results of testing series 1
Surface 5182 O V1 5182 O V2 6016 T4-FH V1 6016 T4-FH V2
(✓ requirements fulfilled X equirements not fulfilled)        
EDT: pickled pickled + adhesive        
EDT: pickled + CC pickled + CC + adhesive        
EDT: pickled + CC + DL pickled + CC + DL + adhesive        
EDT: pickled + reduced CC + DL + adhesive        
Table 4: Results of test series 2
Figure 5: a) Ti/Zr conversion coating structure; b) Areas with reduced electrical resistivity

Discussion and conclusion:

The results of test series 1 show that neither the surface roughness, the dry lubrication, nor the adhesive significantly impacts the high welding quality of untreated 5182 O or 6016 T4-FH sheets. Both alloys feature high-standard weld nuggets fulfilling all required specifications with a mill finish and an EDT surface, respectively. Even the presence of adhesive between the sheets to be welded has no negative influence on the results.The investigations on the 6016 T4-FH sheets of test series 2 reveal that the effect of pickling, conversion coating, and adhesive on the weldability and welding quality is negligible for this alloy. The performance of 5182 O with conversion coating and adhesive exposes a high spatter propensity and aluminium pick-ups on the electrodes after 10 to 20 welded spots if parameters V2 are used. These welding errors can be attributed to the formation of the Ti/Zr conversion coating. Figure 5 illustrates the different phases of the coating formation, starting on the intermetallic phases until a certain build-up is reached, followed by closing the gaps in between [2].The number of intermetallic phases on the material surface of 5182 is significantly higher than for alloy 6016 due to the higher number of alloying elements. Therefore, Ti/Zr islands with high electrical resistivity can frequently form, leading to areas with high current densities during the welding process (Figure 5b shaded areas). These can start to melt at the surface during a high and long preheating pulse, like in the parameter set V2. When the current is increased afterward, the molten material might be pushed at the start from the solid welding nugget areas due to the high welding forces before the thick oxide layer on the intermetallic phases can be cracked, and the whole area liquifies. If the current and the holding time of the preheating pulse is reduced, the melting of the areas with lower resistivity can be prevented, and the welding quality will hit the specifications. This positive change in welding quality is represented by the results of test series 2 with welding parameters V1. Another welding error that is caused by the high and long preheating pulse of parameter set V2 is the high amount of aluminium pick-ups on the welding electrodes. This error occurs after just 10 to 20 welding spots since the aluminium sheets soften at the interface to the electrode based on the high thermal energy in the welding spot. Thus, the material transfer on the electrode is alleviated.The reduction of the conversion coating decreases the thickness of the coating and, consequently, the electrical conductivity differences of the different areas with and without intermetallic particles. Thus, no spatter or electrode wear emerged in welding 5182 O sheets with reduced conversion coating and adhesive.  RSW of 6016 T4-FH sheets never show any noticeable problems due to the lower amount of alloying elements and, hence, a lower number of intermetallic particles. Consequently, the number of Ti/Zr islands is lower too, the areas in between the particles larger, and the increase of the current density less. This is the reason why no spatter or electrode wear appeared in the welds of 6016 T4-FH sheets with the usual conversion coating and adhesive with the parameter set V2.Adhesive bonding tests of sheets with reduced conversion coating within the customers specifications fulfil all requirements.

Customers benefits:

The results of this work have led to a sound knowledge of the material and welding parameters that are critical for high-quality welds, both qualitatively and quantitatively. As a result, the causes of welding defects in the customer’s process can be identified, and ways of eliminating them out. AMAG can also adapt the surface treatment for special welding parameters.Since AMAG knows the interrelationships and possible interventions, it is advisable, in consultation with the customer and depending on their processes, to define the necessary product specifications for an optimal end product.


[1]    Moeen Enami, Mohammadreza Farahani, Majid Sohrabian (2016). Evaluation of mechanical properties of Resistance Spot Welding and Friction Stir Spot Welding on             Aluminium Alloys, International Conference on researches in Science and Engineering [2]    Andreatta, F., Turco, A., de Graeve, I., Terryn, H., de Wit, J., & Fedrizzi, L. (2007). Surface and Coatings Technology, 201(18), 7668-7685.


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